Box 2300 News Updates- May 2018
By Associate Member Jessica Harlow
June 25, 2018

In the month of May 2018, the OVFC responded to 93 calls.

Fourth of July is right around the corner! Each year, fireworks cause thousands of burns and eye injuries. Watching a fireworks show put on by experts is the safest option for viewing fireworks on Independence Day. As a precaution, adults should always keep a close eye on children at events where fireworks are used. Have you ever wondered how hot a sparkler burns? Well, water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, cakes bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, wood burns at 575 degrees Fahrenheit, glass melts at 900 degrees Fahrenheit, and sparklers burn at 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit! Sparklers account for roughly one-quarter of emergency room firework injuries. Not only do fireworks cause injury to users and spectators, they also cause damage to property. An average of 18,500 reported fires are caused by fireworks each year. Remain attentive and use caution when watching or using fireworks of any kind!

Two weeks ago we wrapped up another annual Firemen's Fair and Parade. We would like to thank everyone who came out for the event and supported our largest fundraiser. We greatly appreciate everyone's support!

As always, be sure to check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook found under Orange Volunteer Fire Company.