OVFC / COFEMS Shift Training
By OVFC News
August 31, 2024

OVFC firefighters, alongside instructors from across the region, worked with County Fire & EMS staff on a joint training exercise. OVFC provided Truck 23 each drill and taught COFEMS staff on stokes basket rescue off the ladder truck. Crews covered the equipment , setup operations, and communications for working on a Truck company. This drill was held on 3 different days and involved simulating a sky dive accident with multiple patients suffering from various traumatic injuries. The drill was held at Booster Park and was a great success. We appreciate the opportunity to participate and look forward to future opportunities with similar drills.

A big thanks to the following for their assistance from OVFC:
Asst. Chief Bert Roby
Firefighter Matt Richards
Chief Whit Jacobs

A special thanks to COFEMS Training Captain Mark Sikora for all his work putting the drills together.

Attachment IMG_2878.mov  (12,376k)